Academic Support Units
Teri Rowe
Interim Senior Director, CAS Division of Administrative Services
(541) 346-1729
Stephanie Webster
Executive Support
CAS Division of Administrative Services
(541) 346-1373
If you want to take advantage of any the services below, please reachout to your ASU point of contact. ASUs 1-8 (with their individual list of contacts and units) are on the left sidebar menu.
Faculty Support
- Initiation of new faculty hires
- Promotion and tenure
- Reviews: annual, midterm, post-tenure
- Evaluations: career and limited duration
- Leaves: sabbatical and LWOP
- Stipends, overloads, renewals, etc.
- Awards, fellowships, professorships
- Travel
Unit Operations
- Unit communications
- UO Catalog updates
- Course fee assessments
- Alumni listservs
- Data reports
Graduate Programs
- Curriculum
- Course Scheduling
- Student Recruitment
- Admissions
- Registration overrides, pre-auths, etc.
- Student Handbook
- Student Records
- Post-Grad job placements
Undergraduate Programs
- Curriculum
- Course Scheduling
- Student Recruitment
- Admissions
- Registration overrides, pre-auths, etc.
- Student Records
- Scholarships & Awards
Graduate Employees
- Position Announcements
- Awards & Waivers
- Summer Appointments
- Personnel and pay actions
CASDAS | 1787 Agate Street, Eugene OR 97403 | Mon. – Fri. 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. (closed holidays)
Please contact us via our new request system.